Wednesday, June 6, 2012

    "Sometimes what we want the most we have to do what we want the least."-Julia, from My Sister's Keeper. It seems that everything comes so easy. But it's not. Everything usually comes with a price. Just because we want something doesn't mean we always get it easily. I think what Julia is trying to say in this quote is that to get to that one thing, that one wish or desire we have to the last possible thing you want to do before that happens. Say your want $5, before you get the money you have to make your bed, it isn't fair but in order to get the money you have to do it. This shows up in life, a lot. It may not always be that simple though, and it may not always be hard,like in My Sister's keeper where Anna only has two choices giving her sister a kidney and she lives or not giving her a kidney and she dies.
     "How does someone go from thinking if he cannot rescue he must destroy."-Brian My Sister's Keeper.    In this part of the book Brian just found out that Jesse was the one setting off the fires everywhere, and Brain is aghast. He didn't think Jesse would've done something like this. I think Brian is saying through this quote is that just because you can't make a HUGE impact in the world you can do small things that will help out. For example you don't need to stop animal abuse or something but your should try and make people aware of it. That's a small step in the right direction. Jesse in this case goes in the wrong direction and makes things worse for the family. He's the troubled one and everyone thinks badly of him. Even though he is a good guy.
     "We don't love people because they are perfect we love them because they are not."-Sara, My Sister's Keeper. Sara in this book can be annoying at times. She tunes out Anna's opinions and only thinks about Kate. How will this help Kate? How ill this hurt her? But in this line it sums up all of the love she has for Anna.She realizes that she is not perfect. She tried to save her sister's life but couldn't do it anymore. And her mom didn't understand that. But now after this whole trial she realizes just because she didn't do all of the things she wanted her to do she did try. So she isn't perfect.  But no one is.

    "A rule book that says it is all right to wake up crying, but only for a month."-Kate, My Sister's Keeper.  At the end Anna dies instead of Kate. It was a surprise ending but it was exciting. You finally heard Kate's voice. Not just other peoples point of view on her. In this quote she shares, all in one line how much she loved Anna, without saying she loved her. Anna was Kate's only friend. And I can't imagine what it would be like losing your best friend. Kate had to deal with so much too. and to not even be able to have a friend's shoulder to cry on is just sad.

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